The past few years I've been taking pictures with religion-related themes: Easter Vigil in Pievėnai Church of the Crucified Jesus, the Hill of Crosses as well as various indulgence feasts. The latter ones are one of the largest Catholic festivals, attracting many believers not only from the local parish but also from more remote towns and cities. For many, this tradition is associated with festively dressed elderly people, solemn church processions and long sweets, that we remember from childhood. But like all life, the feasts are changing – one will no longer see horse-drawn carriages. Instead, there are tents with a variety of treats, local craftsmen and overseas goods set up next to the churches. Food stalls tempt the worshipers with the smells of shashlik. Good summery weather allows you not to rush anywhere. The pictures taken in between 2018 and 2020 at Pivašiūnai, Žemaičių Kalvarija and The Cross Hill Indulgence feasts.
Photography contest "Lithuanian Press Photography" celebrated its twentieth anniversary this year. Me and over 110 other photographers submitted almost 3,200 photos from which an international jury carefully picked round 100 best ones. The photographs were exibited in Vilnius Town Hall and printed in an album "Lithuanian Press Photography 2021". I am glad to share that my photographs made it to the final in "Portrait" and "Culture and Entertainment" categories and my photo series about indulgence feasts won the golden shot in the category of "Reportage, Photo Story".